Health effects of red and near-infrared therapy - Home Light Therapy

Health effects of red and near-infrared therapy

The health effects of red light and near-infrared radiation: The extent of research

Today, PubMed keyword LLLT  returns more than 4000 scientific papers. Hundreds of clinical trials have been conducted, and dozens of systematic reviews can also be found.

Here is a list of some health issues that have been reported to improve by light therapy (usually low-level laser). In some cases, the effects are still disputed, while other results are confirmed by meta-analyses.

Photobiomodulation indications (human studies)
Muscle growth

All links are clickable and provide some evidence of the far reaching benefits of red and near infrared wavelength therapy.

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I have continued to spend time researching the 1000's of research papers on light therapy and every day I am astounded by the new research coming out. If you want to optimal health.... or just an improvement in health parameters, light therapy is currently the way the to go.
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