Understanding just how good Red and NIR can be - Home Light Therapy

Understanding just how good Red and NIR can be

First and foremost let us quickly state that this isn't some n=1 extrapolation of loose facts covered in some over exaggeration in order to sell!

Red and Near infrared, LLLT, photobiomodulation, laser therapy, light therapy are all names that this method has been called. Let us also clarify that some other wavelengths are also useful, UV (ultraviolet) can be useful for some aspects, Green light can be effective, Yellow light can help, Red light, Near infrared (NIR) and even Far infrared has shown some beneficial properties. 

I digress - so let us keep it really simple with a diagram:


The diagram (From Dr Micheal Hamblin) shows the areas where photobiomodulation has been successful in treating symptoms or the root cause.

If there was a pill that did all that without side effects, don't you think the whole world would be taking it? I do!

In my next article I will go into how red/NIR can have such far reaching positive effects on the human body!

I hope you will join me


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