Sunshine, photobiomodulation and your health - Home Light Therapy

Sunshine, photobiomodulation and your health

What kind of connection do we have the sun?


Is the sun the first kind of photobiomodulation – yes it is!

Although I sell red light therapy and blue light blocking glasses, my primary source of phototherapy has (and always will be), the sun! Photobiomodulation (with lights) has allowed to pick specific wavelengths of light that help us improve various aspects of our health, but for me sun remains a major part in my own personal quest for better health.


Why should we embrace our relationship with the sun – simple, it is responsible for all life on earth! Without the sun, our planet would be dark, it would be cold and it would be desolate. An absence of sun would mean an absence of sun energy for growing plants to generate oxygen many complex organism to exist. So yes, Sun is very very very important!

If sun is so important, why are we taught to fear it, stay away from it, shelter from it? Why do we now live in a world that is “light” 24 hours a day and 7 days a week thanks to artificial light – are we missing something by relying on artificial light and being scared of the sun? In simple – yes we are.

During this article I will discuss the need for us all (as a human species) to find that connection with the sun once more and what failure to do so will lead to.


Where to start………


Let us start with Vitamin D, which isn’t really a vitamin at all. We have all heard of it, we know we get it from the sun, right? The truth is a little more complicated than that, but to keep it simple we will agree that your ability to synthesize (create) vitamin D in your body is directly related to the amount sun you are exposed. What you might not know is that this “vitamin D” has a role to play in regulating over 1000 different genes in your body which help to control almost every single tissue in your body. So yes, sun exposure for naturally increasing your vitamin D levels is important (it also helps modulate your immune system reaction (it is both an accelerator and brake pedal which is important).

Are there more benefits?

Oh yes, many many more…….


We are diurnal creatures – we need both light and dark periods in order to function. Are you seeing a problem with evening lighting, TV, Phones, Computers etc? Many humans spend less than 5% of the day and then illuminate themselves in the evening removing the key drivers of our diurnal nature.

Morning sunlight (even daylight) helps specific parts of the eye send specific signals into the brain which increases serotonin (mood booster and a pre-cursor to melatonin) and also stops melatonin production. The morning sun, wakes you up, gets you moving and feeling better. It is safe to say that the brighter the morning and daylight exposure – the better you sleep that night. This is in part due to the pineal gland starting to produce melatonin at an earlier time.


The lack of light and subsequent serotonin manufacture is also thought to be a reason for people that suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). There is also strong connection between light exposure and depression. On a personal note, I can attest to the effectiveness of light on depression.


Research also shows a powerful immune effect (separate from vitamin D) which can help prevent autoimmune diseases. This is achieved through UVA and UVB exposure. Light is able to have direct effects on your immune system, your mood, your function and your levels of circulating endorphins (Yes endorphins so you feel good and happy)



To sum up the benefits of developing a relationship with sun and daylight:
Effective against – insomnia, SAD, premenstrual syndrome.

Improves: Immune function, bone health, blood pressure, Multiple sclerosis, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, depression, arthritis.

As you can see , that is a pretty substantial list.

Is that enough to get you outside and build your relationship with the sun?

Yes?? Brilliant!


NOTE: Even if you work in an office that is fairly well lit, outdoor exposure can be 100-1000 times brighter, that is 100-1000 times more powerful signal to your eyes and brain. 10-15 minutes outside of the office and into the sun can have significant benefits.


So, you now love the daylight, the sun and light exposure – what is next?

One side of the equation is done, now we need to work on the other side – darkness.

You have higher levels of serotonin due to the light exposure, you halted your melatonin with bright light exposure in the morning. What comes next, what do we need to lock in some of those benefits?

Melatonin can only be produced (and serotonin converted melatonin) during darkness! What do we all do when the sun goes down – we turn on lights, look at screens and stay up later.

It is important to note (for some), that melatonin is one of the few antioxidants that can actually help repair the skin of sun damage …. If you want younger, healthier more vibrant skin, get your sleep! If you want to wake up feeling refreshed and energetic, get your sleep, respect the dark part of the cycle.


More about that another time


The further we move away from our relationship with the sun and darkness, the bigger our problems become. Respect, or rekindle your relationship with light and dark and enjoy how you feel each morning.





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