I bought the multi pack blue light blockers from Dominic, and he helped me through the process of choosing.
Using the glasses throughout the day, the clear ones when working on the computer, the yellow ones in the afternoon and then the red ones in the evening (from around 19/20 preferably), especially on the bus and the public spaces with horrible lighting. I get tired earlier, I fall asleep more quickly and I sleep better. It's helped me naturally readjust my sleep schedule. One weird thing? Since using the blue light blockers in the evening, I no longer get up to pee during the night. I don't understand it, and I can't explain it, but it's such a clear correlation I can't help but assume a connection 😂
Great products, service and life improvement - investments here, as I have now come to expect 😎😎😎
I am satisfied with the Panel i purchased some weeks ago, works well for me and the size is big enough for mye use. I also like that it can be hanged on the door. The timer is also nice and it makes a little beep sound when it’s halfways through the Session wich is helpful to know. I also reccomend buying from Dominic because i got a personalized protocoll and also helpful advice as to where to start :)
The delivery was fast, and Dominic is highly knowledgeable and genuinely committed to ensuring you get the best possible use out of the equipment you purchase. The mask is user-friendly and highly versatile in its applications. Highly recommended, 11/10! :)
Veldig fornøyd! Kjøpte ett lite lys for noen år siden, men har nå ønsket å investere I ett stort et for hele kroppen. Var veldig enkelt å bestille, lampen kom som det skulle med masse informasjon, var lett å sette sammen (kjøpte med stativ til lampen for enkel transport rundt om i huset) og å bruke.
Strålende fornøyd med mitt nye panel. Både god kvalitet på panelet og veldig god hjelp og kommunikasjon med selger. Speseilt imponert over personlig tilpasset råd til bruk.
Kristine A.